How to Teach Your Hamster to Spin in Circles

Hamsters are adorable and intelligent creatures that can learn a variety of tricks with the right training and patience. One entertaining trick you can teach your furry friend is how to spin in circles.

Not only is this trick fun to watch, but it also stimulates your hamster’s mind and helps to strengthen the bond between you and your pet. Within this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to successfully teach your hamster to spin in circles.

Understand Your Hamster’s Nature

Before you begin the training process, it’s important to understand your hamster’s natural behavior and characteristics. They are curious and enjoy exploring their surroundings.

They are also motivated by treats and positive reinforcement. By keeping these traits in mind, you can tailor your training approach to suit your hamster’s personality.

How Can You Choose the Right Time and Environment?

Selecting the right time and environment for training is crucial. Choose a quiet and calm area where your pet feels comfortable.

Avoid places with loud noises or distractions that could disrupt the training session. It’s also a good idea to train your hamster during the evening or early morning when they are most active.

Hamster to Spin in Circles

Gather the Necessary Supplies

To start training your hamster to spin in circles, gather the following supplies:

  • Treats: Choose small, flavorful treats that your pet loves. These treats will serve as positive reinforcement during the training.
  • Clicker (Optional): Using a clicker can help associate the spinning behavior with a sound cue, making the training more effective
  • Training Area: Prepare a flat and clean surface for the training session. This could be a table, a countertop, or even the floor, as long as it’s safe for your hamster.

Build Trust and Positive Association

Before diving into the spinning trick spend some time bonding with your hamster. Offer treats from your hand, let them explore your scent, and make sure they are comfortable with your presence. This step is crucial for building trust and a positive association with you.

How do you introduce the spinning motion to your hamster?

Gentl y hold a treat near your hamster’s nose to get their attention. Slowly move the treat in a circular motion, allowing your hamster to follow it. This movement should encourage your hamster to turn around naturally.

How do you associate a command with the spinning motion?

As your hamster starts to follow the treat in a circle, introduce a simple command like “Spin’ or “Circle.” Repeat the command each time your hamster begins to turn.

When your pet successfully completes the spin reward them with a treat and offer verbal praise. This positive reinforcement helps your hamster understand that they are doing the right thing.

How do you progress the training over time?

Start by rewarding your pet for just a quarter turn in the beginning. Gradually increase your expectations, rewarding them for a half turn, three-quarters turn, and finally, a full circle.

Be patient and pay attention to your hamster’s comfort level. If they seem stressed or unwilling, take a step back and proceed at a pace they are comfortable with.

sleeping hamster

How can a clicker enhance the training process?

If you’re using a clicker, time the clicker sound to coincide with the moment your hamster completes a spin. This associates the spinning behavior with the sound of the clicker, making it easier for your hamster to understand what you’re asking for.

Stay Consistent and Patient

Training takes time and consistency. Practice the spinning trick regularly, but keep the sessions short to prevent your hamster from becoming overwhelmed or bored.

Remember that not all hamsters will learn at the same pace, so be patient and adapt the training to your pet’s progress.

End on a Positive Note

Always end your training sessions on a positive note, even if your hamster hasn’t fully mastered the trick. Offer extra treats and affection as a reward for their efforts. This leaves your hamster associating training time with positive experiences.

Troubleshooting and Tips

  • Be Gentle: Handle your hamster gently throughout the training process. Never force them to spin or become aggressive if they don’t understand.
  • Keep Treats Small: Opt for small treats to avoid overfeeding during training sessions.
  • Watch for Signs; Pay attention to your pet’s body language. If they appear stressed, take a break and try again later.
  • Individual Differences: Remember that each hamster has its own learning pace and personality. Some may catch on quickly, while others might take more time.
  • Positive Reinforcement: Always use positive reinforcement, such as treats and praise, to motivate and reinforce the desired behavior.

Want to see your hamster do a backflip? Our guide has you covered with all the information you need!


Once you’ve mastered the spinning trick, you can move on to other more advanced tricks. Keep training your hamster, and you’re sure to have a smart, playful pet that you can enjoy for years to come.

Thanks for watching! If you have any questions or comments about teaching your hamster to spin in circles, please let me know in the comments below!

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