How to Stop Your Dog from Jumping on People

Does your furry friend have a habit of jumping on visitors when they arrive at your door? If so, you know how embarrassing it can be – not to mention how uncomfortable it can make your guests.

Not only is it a nuisance, but it can also be dangerous for your pup if they start to jump on the wrong person. To help keep your pup safe and your guests comfortable, here’s an informative guide on how to stop your dog from jumping on people.

From understanding why your pup is jumping to creating a behavior plan, this post has the tips and tricks you need to help keep your pup’s paws on the ground.

Why do Dogs Jump?

Jumping is a natural canine behavior rooted in their instincts. Puppies jump to greet their mothers and littermates, and as they grow, they continue this behavior to establish social dominance and seek attention. However, in a human household, jumping can lead to undesirable outcomes.

The AIDA Approach to Training

To effectively curb jumping behavior, it’s essential to follow the AIDA copywriting formula – Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action.

By grabbing your dog’s attention, sparking interest, creating a desire to please, and implementing actionable techniques, you can guide your dog toward more acceptable behavior.

Consistency is Key

Consistency is the cornerstone of dog training. Start by teaching your dog a solid ‘sit’ command. Whenever your dog approaches someone, ask them to sit. Reward with treats and praise for obeying.

Over time, your dog will associate sitting with positive outcomes, replacing jumping.

Dog Jumping on People

Ignore and Reward

Dogs often jump to seek attention. Instead of scolding or pushing them away, turn your back and ignore them.

When they calm down and have all four paws on the ground, offer praise and treats. This reinforces that jumping leads to being ignored while calm behavior brings rewards.

Leash Training

When guests arrive, keep your dog on a leash. Ask your guest to ignore the dog until they calm down. Once your dog behaves, allow them to approach and interact.

Gradually, your dog will associate calm behavior with social interaction.


Expose your dog to scenarios that trigger jumping, such as knocking on the door or ringing the doorbell.

Use treats and commands to keep them calm. With repeated exposure, your dog will become less reactive to these triggers.

Teach an Alternative Greeting Behavior

Redirect your dog’s natural jumping impulse into a more appropriate behavior, like ‘sit’ or ‘shake.’ When your dog greets someone calmly, reward them.

This gives your dog an outlet for their excitement while maintaining polite manners.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Inconsistent Rules: Ensure everyone in the household follows the same rules to avoid confusion.
  • Mixed Signals: Avoid unintentionally reinforcing jumping by responding inconsistently.
  • Harsh Discipline: Harsh methods can lead to fear and aggression. Opt for positive reinforcement.
  • Lack of Patience: Training takes time. Be patient and celebrate small victories.


Incorporating these simple yet effective methods into your dog’s training routine can transform their jumping behavior. Remember, patience and consistency are your greatest allies in this journey.

By understanding your dog’s natural instincts and using positive reinforcement, you’ll build a stronger bond and create a well-mannered companion.

So, don’t let those jumping greetings overwhelm you; take charge and lead your dog toward better behavior and happier interactions.

If you’re unfamiliar with how to effectively train your dog for off-leash sessions, I extend an invitation for you to peruse our comprehensive guide on the matter

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